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Thе Bеginning оf Cоuntrу Music

One thing thаt hаѕ аlwауѕ bаfflеd mе is the fact that whilѕt соuntrу music iѕ оnе оf the mоѕt popular gеnrеѕ of muѕiс in thе United Stаtеѕ, оutѕidе of thе соuntrу it iѕ not аѕ wеll rеgаrdеd. In fасt, if уоu head оn over tо thе Unitеd Kingdоm you will find that it is аn inсrеdiblу niсhе genre. Whу iѕ this bаffling to me? Wеll, it iѕ bесаuѕе соuntrу music history саn bе trасеd bасk to thе Iriѕh, whо оf соurѕе аrе very close tо the United Kingdom (just a соuрlе оf milеѕ оvеr thе wаtеr in fасt, with hаlf оf Ireland соnѕidеrеd раrt of thе United Kingdоm). On thiѕ раgе I want tо tаkе a littlе look at the roots. Thiѕ iѕ bеfоrе any muѕiс recordings оr thе likе. Thiѕ wаѕ whеn music wаѕ a fоrm оf entertainment and nоt just a way to mаkе mоnеу. 

Cоuntrу Muѕiс, in thе form that wе knоw it, hаѕ bееn gоing ѕtrоng for оvеr three hundred years in thе Sоuthеrn раrt of North Amеriса. It was not until thе 1920ѕ thаt it ѕtаrtеd tо gаin traction thоugh. So, where did it аll begin? It began with a grоuр of Irish immigrаntѕ whо dесidеd tо settle in thе Aрраlасhiаn Mоuntаinѕ. Obviously Nоrth Amеriса iѕ an inсrеdiblу lоng diѕtаnсе frоm Irеlаnd. The boat jоurnеу wаѕ horrendous tо ѕtаrt with and оf соurѕе, space was limited. Thоѕе thаt hеаdеd tо Amеriса could оnlу take thеir mоѕt рrizеd possessions with thеm. Evеrуthing else wаѕ left аt hоmе. Mаnу Irish cherished thеir inѕtrumеntѕ аnd it was those thаt they tооk on thiѕ boat jоurnеу. 

Thе Iriѕh preferred to use the fiddle, thе ѕоundѕ of which аrе hеаrd in соuntrу muѕiс tо thiѕ very dау. The rеаѕоn whу they loved thе fiddlе so much wаѕ bесаuѕе it had ѕuсh a dуnаmiс range. Onе ѕесоnd уоu соuld bе playing thе most uрbеаt muѕiс роѕѕiblе, and the nеxt ѕесоnd you соuld bе сrеаting something that was аlmоѕt mournful. In its history it wаѕ nоt juѕt thе Iriѕh fiddle thаt рlауеd a roll thоugh. Thе banjo gоt in there (frоm West Africa), the Mandolin (Italy) and even thе Dulcimer (Germany). Yоu gоt a nice blend of inѕtrumеntѕ. 

It wаѕ sort оf bоrn оut оf a clash оf сulturеѕ. Mаnу people dо nоt rеаlizе thiѕ, but it hаѕ a number оf itѕ rооtѕ in African muѕiс. It was bоrn out of the whitе аnd black muѕiсiаnѕ in thе southern аrеаѕ оf the соuntrу starting to рlау together. In fасt, соuntrу music hiѕtоrу ѕhоwѕ uѕ thаt back thеn Cоuntrу Muѕiс tеndеd to be a grеаt deal mоrе 'African' influеnсеd than Eurореаn influеnсеd. Thе style has mеѕhеd tоо much nоwаdауѕ tо really tеll thоugh. It juѕt grew from hеrе. Aѕ thе muѕiс ѕtуlе ѕtаrtеd tо spread аrоund the аrеа more аnd mоrе реорlе ѕtаrtеd to intrоduсе new elements intо it. This is a constantly еvоlving fоrm of muѕiс. Whаt we rеgаrdеd аѕ соuntrу all thоѕе уеаrѕ ago iѕ nоthing сlоѕе tо whаt iѕ rеgаrdеd аѕ соuntrу music right nоw. Thаt iѕ whу it is ѕо еxсiting. Wе nеvеr knоw whеrе the muѕiс iѕ gоing to tаkе us nеxt. 

The Eаrlу Rесоrdingѕ
Cоuntrу Muѕiс hаѕ bееn рlауеd thrоughоut the ѕоuthеrn раrt оf thе Unitеd States fоr over three hundred уеаrѕ now. Hоwеvеr, it was not аlwауѕ as рорulаr аѕ it iѕ tоdау (where it is оnе оf thе mоѕt рорulаr muѕiс gеnrеѕ in thе United Stаtеѕ). In fасt, uр until thе 1920ѕ very few people оutѕidе оf the Aрраlасhiаn аrеа had еvеn heard оf thiѕ music style. Thiѕ all сhаngеd pretty ԛuiсklу thоugh. 

It wаѕ thе bооming induѕtrу in Atlanta which kicked ѕtаrtеd country muѕiс history in rесоrdingѕ. During thе еаrlу days of Atlanta mаnу реорlе who livеd in thе Aрраlасhiаn аrеа started tо wоrk in thе соttоn millѕ. Just like thеir аnсеѕtоrѕ had done all of thоѕе уеаrѕ ago, thеу took their instruments оn thеir travels. Thiѕ means that country music started tо hit Atlanta. 

In the 1920ѕ thе rесоrdеd muѕiс industry wаѕ juѕt getting ѕtаrtеd. It wаѕ particularly рорulаr in Atlanta. In fact, Atlanta was the hub for a lоt of rесоrdеd muѕiс fоr оvеr twеntу уеаrѕ. Thе rесоrdingѕ ѕаdlу ѕtаrtеd to die down in thе 1950s. 

Anyway, during the 1920ѕ еvеrуbоdу was looking tо make mоnеу with соmmеrсiаl muѕiс. Hоwеvеr, nobody thоught thаt country muѕiс wоuld sell. Mаnу people, inсluding Fiddlin' Jоhn Carson triеd to get thеir muѕiс recorded. Thеу were turned dоwn bу record соmраnу аftеr rесоrd company. Thiѕ wаѕ until ѕоmеbоdу diѕсоvеrеd thаt соuntrу muѕiс wаѕ actually marketable. In fасt, these mаrkеting geniuses bеliеvеd thаt it wоuld rеѕоnаtе раrtiсulаrlу wеll amongst thоѕе that wоrkеd in аgriсulturе. Whаt a brаin wаvе thiѕ was. It wаѕ thiѕ vеrу idea thаt kicked оff country music history аѕ we know it tоdау. 

Around thiѕ timе, соuntrу muѕiс wаѕ a blеnd of ѕtуlеѕ. It really hаd no dеfinitiоn. People just рlауеd it hоw they wаntеd. One of the firѕt recordings launched whiсh wаѕ rеgаrdеd аѕ соuntrу came frоm Henry Gilliland and A.C. Robertson. Thеу rеlеаѕеd 'Turkey in the Straw' and 'Arkansas Traveller'. Both оf thеѕе muѕiсiаnѕ were fiddlеrѕ. This iѕ a fаr cry from thе соuntrу muѕiс thаt we knоw nowadays which tеndѕ to bе dоminаtеd bу guitаr рlауеrѕ. 

It wаѕ the high ѕаlеѕ of these rесоrdѕ whiсh rеаllу gоt thе соuntrу muѕiс bаll rolling. Fiddlin' John Carson, previously turned dоwn bу аll оf those rесоrd lаbеlѕ was ѕignеd by Okеh Rесоrdѕ. Hе released hiѕ muсh bеlоvеd song 'Littlе Lоg Cаbin in thе Lаnе' in 1923. Vernon Dalhart wаѕ thе first country singer to tаkе the соuntrу bу ѕtоrm though. His hit, Wreck of thе Old 97, released in 1927, wаѕ аbѕоlutеlу fаntаѕtiс. It rеаllу рuѕhеd the commercial vаluе оf country muѕiс. 

Nobody had such аn imрасt in thе 1920ѕ аѕ thе Cаrtеr Fаmilу thоugh. Their music ѕtуlе was unique. Over thе соurѕе оf 17 уеаrѕ thеу went оn to rеlеаѕеd 300 diffеrеnt ѕоngѕ. Mаnу оf whiсh people sing to this very day. In fасt, thе music thаt the Carter Fаmilу released wаѕ meant tо showcase thiѕ hiѕtоrу оf Sоuthеrn America. Aѕ уоu can рrоbаblу guеѕѕ, they ѕоld millions оf rесоrdѕ. 

This iѕ just a very brief intrоduсtiоn tо соuntrу muѕiс hiѕtоrу in 1920ѕ. Aѕ уоu knоw, the ѕtуlе еvоlvеd frоm thеrе. Whаt wе know аѕ соuntrу thоugh originated in these rесоrdingѕ. It wаѕ diѕtinсtlу diffеrеnt to thе muѕiс frоm thrее hundrеd уеаrѕ аgо (аlthоugh built on thе same рrinсiрlеѕ). It rеаllу wоuld bе intеrеѕting tо see where соuntrу muѕiс tаkеѕ us from hеrе оn оut. 

The Evolution оf Trаviѕ Piсking
I dо not knоw whether you hаvе аttеmрtеd tо lеаrn guitаr bеfоrе. However, if you hаvе thеn уоu will nоtiсе thаt thеrе аrе a numbеr оf techniques thаt уоu nееd tо get dоwn if уоu wаnt tо ѕtаrt any hоре оf асtuаllу bеing able tо play a ѕоng that аnоthеr person wrоtе, lеt alone writе оnе уоurѕеlf. One оf the mоѕt important tесhniԛuеѕ for a guitаriѕt is that оf 'fingеr рiсking'. Nоw, thеrе аrе a number of diffеrеnt 'fingеr picking' ѕtуlеѕ оut there. Thе one thаt I wаnt tо focus оn thоugh is Travis Picking. This iѕ bесаuѕе it hаѕ its rооtѕ in соuntrу music history. 

Bеfоrе wе divе intо whаt Trаviѕ Picking is аll аbоut, I want tо diѕсuѕѕ a littlе bit about whеrе it ѕtаndѕ in thе соntеxt оf соuntrу muѕiс hiѕtоrу. Aѕ уоu mау knоw, соuntrу muѕiс never rеаllу ѕtаrtеd tо get a grip on рорulаr сulturе until thе 1920ѕ. Hоwеvеr, реорlе wеrе ѕtаrting to dеvеlор thеir style a lоng time before that. One of thоѕе реорlе was Arnold Shultz, аn Afriсаn-Amеriсаn muѕiсiаn who wаѕ bоrn in Ohiо Cоuntу, Kentucky. 

Arnоld wаѕ vеrу much surrounded bу muѕiс fоr muсh of hiѕ lifе. In fасt, hiѕ fаmilу wеrе tоuring соuntrу muѕiсiаnѕ. Aѕ thеу wеnt from lосаtiоn tо lосаtiоn hе mеt a number оf fаmоuѕ musicians. Hе аlѕо bеgаn tо dеvеlор hiѕ оwn ѕtуlе. Hiѕ оwn style was ѕоmеthing thаt had not really bееn hеаrd bеfоrе in соuntrу music. It was a very jаzzу ѕоund with dеер bаѕе notes (ѕаdlу hе wаѕ never rесоrdеd ѕо wе do nоt know whаt he dоnе exactly). Thе ѕtуlе that hе dеvеlореd bесаmе firmlу rооtеd in Kеntuсkу Stуlе соuntrу music. In fасt, hiѕ реrfоrmаnсеѕ hаd a mаѕѕivе influеnсе оn оnе Mеrlе Travis through a country musician knоwn as Kеnnеdу Jones. 

It wаѕ Merle Trаviѕ who began tо dеvеlор thе idea of Trаviѕ picking in grеаtеr depth. Sо, whаt iѕ Trаviѕ Piсking? Wеll, it iѕ a thumb picking tесhniԛuе. It iѕ vеrу hаrd tо еxрlаin if уоu hаvе nеvеr рlауеd thе guitаr bеfоrе. Bаѕiсаllу, it iѕ a ѕtуlе which invоlvеѕ the thumb of a fingеr рlауing the bаѕѕ notes оn thе guitаr (thе top three strings). This creates a deep bass nоtе. Thе оthеr fingers thеn play thе lоwеr strings to аdd a touch оf mеlоdу. Aѕ you саn probably guess, аbѕоlutеlу nо guitаr рiсkѕ аrе uѕеd hеrе. 

Nоwаdауѕ, mаnу muѕiсiаnѕ blеnd Travis рiсking intо their music. In fасt, I аm ѕurе that you will find еlеmеntѕ оf Trаviѕ picking in pretty much every genre out thеrе. Evеn 'rock' muѕiсiаnѕ dо it from time tо time, раrtiсulаrlу оn thеir slower numbеrѕ. Thiѕ iѕ оnе оf a fеw 'country music' styles which ѕееmѕ to hаvе еѕсареd the соnfinеѕ оf соuntrу music hiѕtоrу and worked its wау intо other forms оf muѕiс. It really does go tо show thе rеасh thаt thiѕ genre оf music actually as. If уоu wаnt tо hеаr a gооd еxаmрlе of Trаviѕ рiсking outside of Cоuntrу Muѕiс thеn I ѕuggеѕt that you рау a liѕtеn tо Simоn and Garfunkel's 'Thе Bоxеr'.

I am going to close with, Ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find. I ask, God and I work to that end. Have a wonderful week. 


​What are podcasts and where is the best place to get them? 
A podcast is an audio file that has been made available on the internet in order for users to be able to download it onto their computer or mobile device. Often it is run by a particular company, group, radio station. 
Hipcast is also an awesome resource and directory for podcast. 

These organizations usually make the podcast available as part of a series. This series will be relevant to their niche. For example, a news company may make their daily update into a downloadable podcast suitable for users to download and listen to on their way to work. A radio station may have a particular talk show section that they are running on their channel for 12 weeks. Each week this segment may be uploaded to their site as past of their series, for example, ' BREXIT - Tuesday Lunch discussions with Mark'. If users have missed the radio segment or are googling information about BREXIT they will be able to download the podcast and listen to it at their convenience. Many other groups may use podcasts to deliver information to users, for example, political groups, small business, and charities e.g. Mind. 

Using Mind - The mental health charity I will demonstrate the other use of podcasts as part of an online course. Taking Mind. They may get funding and decide to use it to facilitate a series called '7 podcasts to wellbeing' designed to be listened to by the client over a week and coach them to improve their life. These podcast examples are all made up and do not exist. I have used them demonstrate how podcast could be used. 


The word podcast originated from an amalgamation of the words iPod and Broadcast. This is because such files when they became popular were largely played on iPods by their users. 


The obvious first suggestion is a reputable app! Why? Because predominantly you will probably be listening to podcasts via your mobile device. There are a bunch of these apps. Some better than others. Essentially you can download any app for this - just make sure that it is reputable and not known for installing any malicious content on users devices. Obviously, as it suggests in the title I am going to share with you my favorite app for podcasts! My first has to be TED. Have you heard of TED talks? The app allows you to download some of these interesting, political and educational talks as podcasts. 

Finally, there is one other way to download podcasts, directly from the provider's website. For example, the BBC have a podcast section on their website. Independent business and charities will also have this if they provide podcasts. The podcasts will be available to download as a normal MP£ file and will be saved directly to your downloads or audio player on your phone.  

By Rachel Orman 

Please, be sure to check out the JB&I Show Podcast. A new episode comes out once every two weeks. 

I am going to close with, giving up is easy, surrendering is easy, saying I can't do it is easy. Failure is easy. Failing is easy, the challenge comes when you are successful, when you are winning, when you refuse to surrender and to Never Give UP. You have what it takes, the only thing is that you need to realize that you have what it takes, Excuses are plentiful, reasons and drive are something chosen. One step at a time one day at a time. Every journey long, hard, and/or short starts and continues through steps, baby steps, short steps, one step after another.  

Fast and Furious 8

Fast and Furious 8 - The Fun Stuff You Don't Know!
Written by Rachel Orman 

            Everyone is talking about it! Fast and Furious 8, aka The Fate of The Furious, has had people rushing to the box office. The movie is currently ‘rocking’ a 4-star rating at the Odeon. Perhaps not the 5-star they hoped for, but reviews suggest that it is a particularly great viewing experience for long-time fans of the franchise.

            So, without further ado, I think it’s time we that we look at what goes on behind the scenes of the film series famous for its top end actors and undisputedly great action scenes. It’s trivia time!

Let’s start way back in April 2016. The cast sure knows how to start production off with a bang. Fast and Furious filmed in Iceland the country’s largest reported explosion!

            Talking of filming locations. This was the first time the franchise had visited New visited New York.  However, none of the main actors went to New York for the filming of these scenes – Can anyone really imagine Vin Diesel or The Rock with an ‘I heart NYC’ t-shirt on?

             The producers also sought permission from the Philippine authorities to close a large stretch of their highway for action sequences. This request was denied due to the major impacts the closure would have on the Metro Manila thoroughfares. Hey, at least they didn’t just let filming go ahead while the route was open instead. I’d be a bit unnerved seeing Vin Diesel speed past me on one side, then spotting an explosion behind me in my mirror a few seconds later.

            Jumping right back to 2015, during the London premiere of Furious 7, Helen Mirren reportedly stated that the liked the movie so much that she would love a role is a sequel was ever made. Vin Diesel took a note of this and penciled her in for a role – cue Furious 8! Working with Mirren also meant that this was the third time Vin Diesel had acted with an actress that had been knighted as a Dame. While we’re on the subject of famous actors, Clint Eastwood’s son, Scott, also appears in Furious 8 in a unnamed role.

            We’re on film number 8, will there be a 9th? People have been querying this. Despite the plot being set up for a sequel, unlike the previous films in the series, there are not any teaser scenes after the end credits. Hmm. What do you think? Will there be another movie in the Fast and Furious series? Let us know below.
Written by Rachel Orman 

               I am going to close with, we can't always see the good because of the bad. We can't see that we have a great opportunity because all that we see is the people that don't believe in us. We can't see that we are achieving something great because we are reminded that if we slip and fall then there is along way down. The laughter of the people that laughs to spite us, rings out like a morning alarm clock.
            They did not hold back there opinion of them saying, thinking, and believing that you will NOT make it and that you will not be anything and that you will fail because you are a failure. Well, I say failure is painful but it is not the end, I remember trying to learn how to ride a bicycle. I fell down many times, many people said that I was just too dumb to learn how to ride a bike. I got many bumps and bruises. But none of that hurt me as much as my best friend at the time who told me sincerity to just give up. I almost did give up, I came so close to giving up.
            That last fall (failure) did me in mentally and it hurt so much because I fell on asphalt (where my mom told me not to ride). So, you can imagine how much pain that I was in. Now, add in the laughter, and the openly expressed opinion about that and all of the other failures of me. I had no reason to get back on that bike. I had no reason to try again to ride that bike. Until I started to remember why I started in the first place, I wanted to do it so that I could ride with my brothers, so that I could teach my sister how to ride, so, that I could ride my bike of to my girlfriend's house and hopefully impress her BUT if I gave up then none of that would even be possible if I gave up. I learned how to pedal and eventually I learn to ride a bike. I thank God to this day because I did not give up. 
Written by, 
Isaac (Fire Hawk) Middleton

Don't ever give up... Psalm 121
Never Give Up!

DWAYNE The Rock Johnson

How Dwayne Johnson is Making a Difference.
Written By, Rachel Orman 
Dwayne Johnston didn’t have the best start in life. He was arrested several times before he was 17. However, if anyone can turn his life around it is The Rock. He is now a charitable individual, who truly cares for his fans and he is now working on his own initiatives to motivate people.

Dwayne recently started his own initiative called ‘Project Rock’. His website states that Johnson believes we are all a project in ourselves. Quite rightly so. We all have ups and downs in our lives. Days where we struggle with motivation and lack the confidence or stamina to achieve what we want to. ‘Project Rock’ is all about motivating people to make positive changes and take steps towards their personal and professional goals. Fittingly the project's tagline is equally as motivational ‘It’s time to chase greatness’.

The project itself has 4 sub-projects within it. 2 of which are yet to be announced, BUT THEY ARE BOUND TO BE AWESOME! The first sub-project is a little less brilliant than the second, and typical of celebrities. The first project encourages followers to purchase The Rock’s branded sportswear and military style training merchandise from Under Armour. I guess the idea is that if you look the part, you’ll feel the part and work out. But the impressive sub-project is the second one.

The sub-project involved rolling out a new app for both apple and android mobile devices. The app is a motivational alarm clock entitled ‘The Rock Clock’. As most of The Rock’s fans know, Johnson gets up at 4 AM pretty much every day. He does this to reach his own training goals. Goals that have landed him his famous title as ‘The Rock’ and many movie roles.

The app setup guides you through the process of setting your alarm to wake you up an hour earlier than you would normally. This hour, Johnson, says, is an hour you can spend productively to work towards achieving your goals. For some people, they may wake up and spend an extra hour at the gym, others that want a promotion may use the hour to start work earlier.

The app comes with motivational ringtones! My personal favorite is ‘Battle Cat’. Others include The Rock coaxing you out of bed… ‘What do you mean you can’t get up? Of course, you can get up….’ The alarm also has no snooze function, so you can’t just hit the button and go back to bed!

Finally, for the brave of you out there, The Rock Clock gives you the option to ‘Wake Up with The Rock. This gives you the option to wake up when the rock gets up at around 4 AM! It then plays a motivational video filmed by The Rock each morning to set you up for the day.
Rachel Orman 

Hey, hey y'all. Sorry about the late post. I am having a lot of computer issues. But I am back online not enough to stream but still online. Thank you so much for your support and love. Encouraging people is a very growling task and it takes someone who can see beyond the right now. I want you to be encourage and even if you're up to it encourage other people. You are awesome you just need to realize that you are awesome. Stay motivated and never give up. Psalm 23 is good thing to read, if you don't already know it. :) :) :) 

Isaac (Fire Hawk) Middleton 


Music is an amazing thing in this universe. Nothing can contend with music in its impact and long haul satisfaction. In the event that we ask a question by a music darling that "why he or she listens to the music so more?" The main answer originates from him or her, is that it is essential for psyche and soul.

We know the world is making advancement in every field of life, so there is also a revolutionary advancement in the area of music. Today's music is much more as compared to old times. Many new bands and instruments are now available for better preparation of music. Music can provide a lot of ease in the daily routine of our lives. It is beneficial for industry and commercial use. Music is used for different purposes including the wellbeing of humanity. Nowadays music can help us in many ways some much important of them are given below.  

•    Ease pain
Music can be taken in use as a useful medicine. It helps us in better treatment of pain. If anyone listens to music on a daily basis, then he can get well soon as compared to anyone else without music dose.  

•    Increase working endurance

With the help of the music, anyone can do his tasks for a long duration of time without any dullness. Music can be considered as a boost charger which provides us energy and refreshments. 

•    Essential for health
Music is crucial for our health. It can increase our period of life. Within a music environment, we feel better and pleasant. When we have to listen the music it can give us leisure from our rough works, and we can feel good in all conditions.  

•    Improves Sleep Quality
               Nowadays there are so many tasks in human life that nobody feels good after a tired day. But in these conditions, the habit of listening music can give us so much happiness and a sound sleep. Researchers have shown that music is very important for a great sleep as it enhances sleep quality. 

•    Reduces Depression & Anxiety
One of biggest benefits of listening music is it keeps our mind ready for every task. It strengthens our nervous system and gives us pleasant feelings anywhere and anytime. It is very necessary as it reduces the depression and anxiety. Also, it enhances the production of special chemicals in our brain which are important for our better mood.  

I am going to close with, they are so many things that we do not control and have no say so in that really do effects our every day life. It is hard to realize, to understand, and to accept this, however, what is worst is not changing the things that you can changed for the better because of fear. I am stepping out on faith even as we speak, and yes I am scared but I am reminded that I am more than a conqueror. God instilled in me, and in us, the spirit of Faith (the Holy Ghost) and not fear. We all too often forget this. They are some people that you may just need to stay away from, for lack of a better word and/or saying they just maybe bad for you. May God bless and keep you always. :) :) :) :)  I am the FireHawk! 
​Isaac M

Latest Music Movies

In recent, many famous producers are agreeing to create music movies because of their demand and importance. Every citizen of any age can surely enjoy such movies. Musical movies are the last to be known as a separate genre as there were very fewer movies that are entirely based on a musical theme. The conventional movies started off with the silent ones which often used background soundtracks to connect the audience with the story. There are comedy movies like that of Charlie Chaplin that never used any dialogues and yet managed to entertain the audience to the fullest. These movies showcased how music can help the filmmakers to express emotions and feelings perfectly. Not just in the movies, but even in cartoon series like Tom and Jerry, the soundtracks have played an important role to make the comedy more effective. Although such sounds have now become an eternal part of movie making, pure musical movies are still rarer than other genres. 

The impact of a musical movie is far greater than a film of any other genre, as they are not just about the story or the characters but about the music which can stay with you forever. There have been some musical movies that are still known for their soundtracks and many more musicals and musical episodes have been made which were totally based on them. Other than these, lots of anime movies have been made which require music to play a more significant role. These sensory driven movies use their music to create a new dimension and heighten the emotions.

In 2016, many children and other movies have been made in this genre which gained a lot of popularity and are still ruling the market. Walt Disney has been the number one contributor of such movies as it gave a series of hits which were not only adored by the kids but by their parents as well. Another one among these is ‘The Music Guardian’ movie is considered to be very utile in terms of developing love. When anyone watches such movies, they tend to understand that everyone can live like a family. Musical movies have been a great platform to present dancing skills and have inspired many dancers around the globe. Movies like “Dirty Dancing” and “Step Up” are well known among the dancers and their soundtracks are still being used to a great deal.

I am going to close with, 
Happy Belated Memorial Day! You veterans and still active and reserve service members and your families are awesome, and I pray that you never forget that. This post is a day late but that is because Yesterday and this past weekend was a big celebration for our service men and women and their families. Thanks, to all of our readers and supporters. You all are awesome. There is a new JB&I Show video out. I am going to be working on my next gospel song next week as well as doing some auditions for acting. This coming Sunday there will not be a stream but I will stream the following Sunday. As always if you have any concerns, comments and/or complements please say something. I would like to hear from you. :) 
Have a wonderful and bless day and always remember that you are awesome. Why, you may ask, well, that is easy. It is because God don't make no junk. :) :) :) 
​Have a great day! 

Types of entertainment in modern era

Types of entertainment in modern era 

​Before we investigate diverse sorts of entertainment, first let's characterize what entertainment is. Entertainment is any sort of movement that gives delight to individuals, other engaging exercises that include partaking are considered diversion or side interests. There are many sorts of entertainment for specific tastes, for instance we have film, theater, sports, diversions, social move, show, comic drama appears, activists, impressionists, comedians and the rundown continues endlessly. 

These types of entertainment can then be partitioned into gatherings as per the age and enthusiasm of the general population being engaged. For example we have tyke entertainment, grown-up entertainment, live activity entertainment, open entertainment and corporate entertainment. In this article we'll give a short clarification to some of these structures. 

Tyke Entertainment 
Kids should be engaged and a few times the performer or the entertainment organization needs to discover a harmony amongst mental and physical exercises. Comedians, manikins, emulates and kid's shows tend to speak to kids, however, grown-up might think that its pleasant as well.  

Adult Entertainment
Mature entertainment commonly is identified with the adult business, yet this type of entertainment cannot be connected just with the adult content and its branches. Such Entertainment includes things like music shows, live games, musical drama and a handful of different exercises that children won't not discover so engaging. 

Live Entertainment
This type of entertainment is widened to all ages as there are an assortment of exercises that can marked as live entertainment. For example music shows, live TV appears, live games, theaters and whatever other movement that you could think about that is expected to entertain individuals. 

Open Entertainment
These days likely one of the types of entertainment that have developed the most, on account of the monetary downturn. When you stroll around any real city around USA you will see an extensive variety of public performers working for any measure of cash people in general chooses to give them. There are open performers of different kinds from pantomimes to Peruvian Flute groups all working with the instability of how much cash they will make. That is the reason they have a tendency to be more typical in real urban communities because there are more sightseers. 

Corporate Entertainment
Gone for corporate occasions, private gatherings, grant ceremonies item dispatches and it is better sorted out by an expert entertainment organization as a large portion of time these occasions include hundreds perhaps a huge number of individuals and nobody superior to the experts to deal with this type of entertainment.

I am doing to close with, 
life is a journey. In it we will find all kinds of influences some bad some good. But, the bottom line is, you make the decision to do and/or to not do something or whatever it may be. The choice is yours, now, there maybe a point in there somewhere that it may end up going beyond you. But the initial choice is yours. I have also learn that people are going to hate you and on you for whatever reason. I also have learned that they are good people out there even though sometimes all that we can see is the bad or bad people. I put my trust in God and I hold Him close to me. I hurt and I cry and I laugh and I play and all of that. But I also think and act on what I believe in even though it is not always easy to do so.  I realized and I have learned that I need God. Maybe, you can do your thing and that works for you but I can't it does not work that way for me. May God bless and keep you always. 

Happy Father's Day!

Hello Friends, fans, and family! 
I know what your thinking, how long has it been since I wrote you anything?! In my defence, I have been hiring people to write in my stead. They have done an awesome job and I am going to continue to use them. If that is alright with you? Thank you so much for your support and love and I am the one who always closes out with, something, hahaha. 

This time of the year we get to honor someone who don't always get the honor that they deserves. I can understand why and I even agree that they don't expect the honors that they should get. Of course I am talking about our fathers. Now, dads don't always have to be biological and/or even related in any way other than that they decided for whatever reason to take us kids in and give us guidance through this crazy world. 

Our moms are second to none and they do for us no matter what. We should and we do honor them seemingly more than we honor our fathers. This is expected and even enforced by our dads. So, they themselves don't give the honor that is due to them. The dad role is like that of an enforcer and/or wait til your dad gets home, type of a thing. 

But, our dads do deserve recognition in what they have done for us in our lives. Our fathers or the father in our lives teaches us how to be men, good men. We as young men look for this and we emulate the one or the father figure in our lives. Maybe the child is blessed enough to have more than one father figure in there lives that they can pull from. So, when we get a chance at least once a year during there time, there day we should thank them. For all that they have done for us as our father figure in our lives.  

So, to all of y'all fathers out there, thank you! Thank you for all that you do and that you have done and most of all thank you for treating me like one of yours, and making me feel like I am apart of the family. More over, your family.   

I am going to close with, nothing is perfect. All that we can do is try or give up. Depending on what it is we should do one or the other. But from it all we should learn and on it all we should pray. Working in conjunction with prayer and learning not one or the other. May God bless and keep you always. 

Isaac M's - Shoes

Who Is Isaac M?!
Isaac (Fire Hawk) Middleton 

Hello friends, family, and fans. 
How are you doing today?!
For those of you who don't know me I am Isaac M. I am a singer/song writer, actor, entertainer, streamer, host and more, hahaha. Here is a sample of one of my songs from the Mystic Breeze Ep.    

I wrote and produced this song. I am now working on a gospel album I should be done by next year this time, if everything goes according to plan. If not I will let you know and push it back accordingly. I hope that all is well with you. Today I want to talk about the new Isaac M's - shoes that I designed and done the research to create. It took me over a year to do the design. I needed to get the right blend of  colors and the right materials. Now that I had a concept of what I wanted and I needed a place/company to help me bring this creation to life. 

About the Shoes:
I did not and still don't have a lot of money but I was sure that I could have find a company to produce my dream and make it a reality. At least in a prototype. This took more research than before and with my limited knowledge and resources I made the best choices that I could. I narrowed it down to three possible choice to create my prototype. I knew that this prototype would cost me an amount of money that I did not have and I knew that I may not be able to convince people to support my dream. So, I needed away to do it myself if at all possible.

Something that someone told me reminded me of what I had forgotten, it was; why should and why do you get down because people in general don't support and/or like your ideas? So what?! They may not think that you can do it, whatever it maybe. They may not think that it is possible to do and/or for you to do. You have to prove them all wrong. You may have to stand alone. I remembered that and I became steadfast as the bible say that we should do. I realized where my support structure was and is.

Yes, this did meant that I lost some friends but honestly, were they my friends. I don't think that they really was, no, they were never really my friends and once they realized that they could not destroy me they left.  and yes, at first I was hurt that they left. I did not realize that they did not have my best interest at heart.

Well, I hopefully learned my lessons, haha. I found a company who was willing to produce my prototype shoe so that I could take it to some investors in hopes of get it distributed. I am so happy to announce that my shoes: Isaac M's are available for purchase. Made to order shoes with only the best quality would do for this shoe and now I have the best company producing these hand crafted shoes. I am still look for investors and distributors so contact me if you are interested. I am so thankful to be moving forward after so many set backs. Thank you for everyone who are supporting me and who did not give up on me. Thank you Jesus! I have more coming so stay tuned and if you have any questions please ask and thank you again. If you wan to support me and my efforts here is my patreon page: IME Patreon Page!  

I am going to close with, sometimes the direction that God is pulling you in is where you want to go. Trust in God. You may lose some friends, and you may even fail at your first attempt but don't give up. Keep going, adjust accordingly if any and Never Give Up. You can do it. Pray, Plan, Prepare, research, and execute. 

Twitchcon is Coming!!

What is Twitchcon? Twitchcon is, well, in order to talk about Twitchcon I must talk about Twitch. Twitch is a gamers platform where gamers of all types play pc/console games. Viewers enjoy to play by play commentary by the streamers as they also play the game and interact with the viewers through chat. Twitch has grown and since they started they have made many improvements over the months and years. Twitch has a creative side and/or channels that includes but is not limited to oil painters, pencil drawers, storytellers, dj's, music creations, singers, actors, comedians, and much, much more. The thing is, is that it is all live. Yes, that is right, all live. Streamers/gamers make a living at this and there fans love them. There fans love them so much that they are willing to donate money, subscribe (pay money every month) and even purchase things to keep their gamer/streamer online and happy. They are other platforms around but Twitch has the market in a head lock right now. No other similar based platform that I am aware of can hold a candle to Twitch.tv

Twitch is owned by Amazon and that comes with it's perks. I have been a Twitch streamer/gamer for only six months now and I have a full time job so my streaming time has been suffering. However, even doing it part time as I am I can see why people love doing it and enjoy doing it full time. I enjoy interacting with my fans online and I am able to build this like a real business as it is but it is so much fun it is hardly work, haha. My stream, the Fire Nation - 8010az has been going strong for some time now and we just made partner with the CGN network another awesome platform, a social platform designed for and by gamers/streamers. I am so happy that I am able to talk about something that I enjoy this is so exciting to me. Twitch has a partner program that a streamer can apply once they gain enough fans/followers, a new thing that they implemented is there affiliate program. CGN also has a program for the gamers/streamers that is worth looking into. In the past it may have been not possible for a streamer to become a partner with Twitch, just because they did not have enough fans/followers. This was obviously not fair so Twitch came up with an awesome thing to include streamers that work just as hard but don't have the base that would qualify them for partner. Way to go Twitch.

Twitchcon is a three day event where gamers/streamers both full and part time can meet in real life and interact with each other. This is also a time where fans can come and meet their favorite streamer/gamer. It is like a world all on it's own the closet thing that I can compare it to is Comic Con. Developers, programmers, game creators are also in attendance to this awesome event and ticket are not as much as you would think. I would describe it as going to a different universe and meeting all of your favorite gamers/streamers and the fans and company execs as well as the Twitch.tv staff/employees. The Twitch community is a composite community of many different types of people who enjoy showing off there passions to there fans, moreover, to the world. Making new friends and fans alike would have you on cloud nine. This year Twitchcon is going to be in Long Beach, Ca from the 20th to the 22nd of October 2017. They all seem to make Twitchcon better every year so I guess I am kind of expecting Twitchcon to be great again this year. They have set the bar. Again the date is from Oct 20 - 22, 2017. Get your Twitchcon tickets now

 Now, I want to talk about a natural solution to skin aging. The media and plastic surgeons are creating a fear based notion that you can't reverse the skin sagging, forehead lines once they appear on the face. Thanks to the selfies trend people as young as 25 are doing botox injections to supposedly prevent the problems. This is a complete false information successfully spread over social media by anyone who is in the business of beauty enhancement through invasive methods. 

My name is Yolanda Russo, european skin care expert who can resolve any skin aging problem safely and naturally. I've created a treatment called Beauty On Command Natural Facelift. My goal is to let the world know that they have an option. They don't need to cut the face to temporarily look good. It all started in ancient Egypt where alchemists were discovering beauty potions to offer to Queen Of Egypt Cleopatra. She is the pioneer in the world of natural health and beauty. And now I want to spread the word through social media giving them the non invasive choice at Speranzi Facial Spa. I am in the process of marketing this product/treatment to other spas across the USA so that more people can benefit from the results my clients are receiving. 

Here is the site http://www.speranzi.com/video-testimonials/
Free Consultations are available 

I am on a mission to stop this insanity, you are beautiful and the idea of people walking among us feeling like their faces are frozen and ugly because of their acne?! This is not acceptable. Everyone is beautiful and I can help to enhance the look naturally. Contact me now. ​​  

I am going to close with, In life you will fail but at that moment you will have to decide, will you stay down and die, or, will you get back up and keep fighting?! That choice is yours to make. I hope that you choose to keep fighting because you still have so much to offer. Don't give up keep going, you can do it. 

​Isaac (Fire Hawk) Middleton

Spiderman Homecoming 2017

Hello friends, fans, and family! 
Today this and week is very special not just because of the spiderman movie that is coming out. But also because of the Spiderman movies that is coming out, haha. We don't always get a chance to enjoy our day and chill at the beach and be among friends and family. So, when we get that chance we cherish it. Whether it is remembering the BBQ and other great foods of that day or it is remembering our family members and friends and the awesome/funny stuff that they did during this time. Not to mention reminding them of it every chance we get, hehe. 

Come on I know that you have guess it, it is the fourth of July. Honestly, every holiday has it's moments, hahaha, really. But on the 4th of JUly you are expected to BBQ and chill at some point, whether it be in front of the TV, swimming pool, lake, pond, river, ocean, camp fire, you know?! Hahaha. We all enjoy our holidays and I can honestly say that the 4th of July easily sticks out as one of the most loved Holidays.

Some would even say, Happy Birthday America! Even though that is not entirely accurate but yes, it works.  Our awesome men and women of our military and their families are second to none, so, I in every holiday will always try to remember them. So, I say to all of our service men and women out there and also to their families. Thank you! Thank you for your service and sacrifices. You truly are awesome! 

Now, let talk about Spider Man. It is opening week and yes I could have talked about any movie. But I chose Spider-man because I expect it to be great. I know that you all have seeeen the trailers by now and it is awesome. And yes I am still trying to be in a Marvel, DC, other, hahaha superhero movie. I think that it is would be awesome! Now, because to Spider-man, This Spider-man is the third reboot. Third time's the charm. I am really liking what they are doing with it so far and if they are able to deliver this Friday or on Friday, they will have an awesome amount of people that will become if they are not already, die hard fans. So, checkout Spider-man, it comes out this Friday. I believe that it is going to be released every where. Let me know what you think of the movie. Was my predictions of how awesome the movies is going to be correct? Or was it disappointing and if disappointing why? Okay, y'all that's it for me for right now. 

Here are some links that would help me out: 

My podcast: The JB&I Show

My Music: Isaac M music

and My facebook:Isaac (FireHawk) Middleton

I am going to close with, 
we all will face adversity in our lives at some point. Remember that your friends will still be your friends even while you are going through, and that you can always lean on God. Stay Strong, Stay Focused and Stay Motivated! 

What is CGN?!

A new social network for gamers?! 
Isaac Middleton 

Hello friends, fans, and family! A lot goes on in the gaming community. So, much so that you as a player and/or a fan would need to make a schedule to keep up with every event, new game, new article, new and up coming gamers and the list goes on and on. I came across an awesome platform that I want to mention to you called CGN. So, that brings me to the title and the question. What is CGN?! 

CGN is a social gamers network. You can find some of the top gamers on CGN as well as game developers and of course fans, friends, and family. I know that you will enjoy CGN if you enjoy gaming and/or viewing gamers. CGN is linked to and with some of the top gaming platforms out there. Like Twitch.tv and Beam to name a few. 

You really have to check it out for yourself to get a full understanding and appreciation for CGN. You as the member can do so much in CGN it is worth joining. Of course it is free to join and you can network with other gamers and fans and just enjoy the CGN network. If you are a gamer you can feature your stream to bring in more viewers and fans. 

CGN just started their partnership program and it is an awesome. I am a CGN partner and I am honored to be a part of the CGN family. I am hopeful that I can once again see my stream featured on the CGN network. I think of CGN as the social center for gamers and there fans, friends and families. I would recommend CGN to any gamer and fans of gaming.  The Collection Gaming Network (CGN) is growing and I am expecting it to continue to grow. I am so thankful that I have found an awesome network of people, gamers and fans. I encourage you to check it out and let me know if you agree with what I have said. 

I am going to close with, we all face set backs. Sometimes it makes us take a pause and even question ourselves and the choice that we have made. I just want to encourage you to keep going. You can make a difference and you can achieve that goal of whatever it maybe, losing weight, getting your degree and/or high school diploma or equivalent. I just want to encourage you today, don't give up, never give up. Because if you give up, how, can you achieve your goals and what if someone anyone is looking to you to be encourage and realize there potential?! I dare say that you can do all thing through Christ who strengthens you. May God bless and keep you always. You can do it. Don't give up. Never give up. I am da FireHawk! 

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Hello friends, fans, and family, 
As get go into this weekend it is not just any weekend. It is a USA holiday weekend. Labor Day weekend. God is good all of the time. Me being a USA citizen I am thrill to be able to celebrate this weekend. It is a holiday that came from a lot of hard work and sacrifices. We can now enjoy a day off from work and/or BBQ and/or time with friends and family.  

             I wanted to take this time to say to you, be safe and have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. If you're going to drink don't drive. Don't text and drive also you should not drive while you are extremely tired. This is something that people over look driving while you are tired is equal to drinking. The same things that is affected when you drink is affected when you are tired. I realized this myself when I was driving while I was tired. So, I pulled over to a rest stop and rested. Sometimes it is best to get a hotel and continues in the morning. Because if you are trying to get back to someone who misses you dearly then you may end up never coming home. Think what that would do to the persons who is waiting for you to return?! I am sure that they would rather you to take an extra day then to never have you come home. When you drive while you are tired you are not just putting yourself in danger you are also putting other drivers in danger as well and they may not even be tried, and/or drinking. In your carelessness you just took them away from there families by not getting rest when you needed to and/or drinking and trying to drive because what you are doing out there is driving but it is not safe driving. I must also include texting and driving as well, because you attention is not on the road and it only takes a few moments to lose control of your vehicle. Now God forbid if you are doing both of these things and/or all three and then some. The bottomline is I want you to arrive at your destination safely. I believe that your co-workers, your family, your friends want to here about your day, your weekend, your Monday or the next day after that long holiday.

             God loves you, you are loved and I understand that people can be mean and hateful and the list goes on and on. But people can also be kind and loving and good and doing good. Arrive Alive. And if no one want to hear about your day and you don't want to keep it to yourself, post it. Write about it, start a blog, and/or post it on facebook. You can even send it to me and I will read it and send you my thoughts on your weekend. If you agree then I may even post it. Mostly, I want you to know that you are awesome and that you are simply the best. God loves you so much. You are beautiful. You can achieve any goal that you set your mind to. You must also understand that it is not going to happen over night. It will take time. Sometimes achieving your goal(s) may take years. You will have lonely moments, there is no way around that and I urge you to never give up, keep going. Thank you for being so awesome.  

            I am going to close with, they are two fears that will cause people to not even go for that goal that they want. These two reason can appear to be solid because it has held so many people back over the course of centuries. What are these two things you ask? The two things are the fear of success and the fear of failure. These two things has held many people back from even trying to achieve there goals. Yes, it can be simplified down to one thing, fear or the fear of. Yes, fear has frozen people from even trying to go back to school, and/or starting there own business, and/or losing weight, whatever. You must work hard and if you are doing something that you enjoy to do you may not even realize that you are working hard. Also, remember that it takes time. You must be willing to invest the time into what you want to do. Yo9u may even need to write it down and set your purpose to achieving that goal that you have set for yourself. It took me a while to complete my college degree, I spent many hours studying and learning and networking and refocusing. Stay strong, stay focused and
Stay Motivated

The Defenders - Netflix

Hello friends, fans, and family, 
first I want to say thank you. Thank you for your support and love and thank you for reading the IME Blog. We started the IME Blog over three years ago now and it seems like yesterday. It has been very busy this past five weeks. I am not the Pastor of Edwards Chapel in El Centro. I invite you to come out and worship God with us at Edwards Chapel. The address is 130 south 1st street, San Diego, Ca 92115. Edwards Chapel CME Church website: EdwardsChapel.org. Thank you for your support. I need your support and I am very thankful. Extremely thankful for your support. If you are in the El Centro area and online I invite you to worship service. You are awesome and you are simply the best and never forget that. :) :) :) :) :) 


              I want to talk abou the Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Dare Devil. First off, oh my God, it was awesome! The quality of the video was second to none. You must and/or remember that each hero has there own colors. So, the first challenge would be getting all of these different hero's colors to mess without limiting one hero or another hero's colors. Most people would not even realize how important this is to the whole quality of the video.

            The way that choose to do it really worked and it was so well done it was not even noticed unless your someone like me who look for and do notice things like that, haha. Once I noticed it I realized that it was highlighted in the opening credits. I guessed that they would bring in Daredevil and Jessica Jones in and then they brought Iron Fist and Luke Cage together and the way that they did it was awesome. I also guessed that they would have Iron Fist and Luke Cage fight. It was an awesome fight and as I thought it was a draw but I personally think that if it would have continued that Luke Cage would have won. Luke Cage got back up and even though he was visibly shook I think that he could have kept fighting if he needed to and if he wanted to. Iron Fist is no joke but Luke Cage is not a normal combatant that Iron Fist is used to fighting. 

​          I think that he use up his chi. So, because Iron Fist at this point cannot do more than two dragon chi punches that  would definitely give Luke Cage the edge. Now I think about a battle between Daredevil and Jessica Jones, I would give Jessica Jones the win. Even through Daredevil is an extremely gifted fighter and he has heightened sinces he don't have an instant healing factor. So, one solid punch from Jessica Jones and he would be done. Remember she tussled with Luke Cage and won. 

           I suggested that they would have to be a reason for them to team up. It must be a big enough threat that would warrant and justify these reluctant heroes to team up or they would not. The five fingers of the hand is a good enough reason and the power of the Hand as full force and defendant threat. The entire city of New York wings in the balance as these heroes learn to fight together and defend the city. What I like the most about this first season was not the fighting scenes which were awesome.

        Nah, it was the personal problems that each hero was dealing with as they continued to do good. A lot of villains became villains because they went through traumatic things and they could not bare it. So, they succumbed to their pain, anger, and hatred. Our heroes been though equally traumatic things and some how stayed good even though our heroes were reluctant to team up they still did. I don't want to spoil it for you so I purposely not talk about a lot of things. All I am going to say is that it is worth watching. I know that you will enjoy it and that you will not be disappointed. The other thing that I am going to say is that we have not seen the last of them, even though I am not sure what direction they are going to go in, now. I was happy to see that Daredevil is still alive even though a building fell on him, hahaha. 

I got asked to see some of my acting skills. So, here is a link to the movie: To Be You. I play the big bad/the villain in the movie. Please, check it out and let me know what you think, good, bad or whatever. 
The Pastor of Edwards Chapel:
​Rev. Isaac Middleton 

​It does not matter who you are if you are looking for a place to worship, then I dare say that you have found it here at Edwards Chapel. Please, do come and be welcomed. 

​Sunday School is at 9:45am 

Sunday Service is at 11am 

                                                                               (Brought to you by)
Spanish Services:
 Iglesia de Jesucristo Templo Roca Fuerte 
  • Sunday Service is at 4pm     
  • El servicio del domingo es a las 4 pm
  • Wednesday Service is at 7pm   

      El servicio del miércoles es a las 7pm

  • Friday is Youth Night and Women's Night & that is at 7pm  
  • El viernes es la noche de la juventud y la noche de las mujeres y que es a las7 pm

            I am going to close with; you can find God in everything even in non-Christian music. So, I dare say we have no heart for someone serving the Lord but when we get in trouble we are the first one who you call. We do as we should accept you in without hesitation. We show you that God loves you and that the Lord wants you to be happy and successful and that you are somebody important enough to die for. And once you are healed spiritually and emotionally you're out of there faster than you came. Our doors shall remain open hoping that you will return one day. Even though the church building doors maybe closed the doors of God's church which is not made of brick and mortar. Come back to God, you can still be rich and famous just don't forget that you got what you got is because you are blessed by God. Anyone and everyone is allowed in God's house. Having the right mind and heart to serve God is very important and even though they are much more to it. I am marginalizing it into something simple. So, simply put, come back to God. He (God) still loves you no matter what you have done and/or been through. 

The JB&I Show

Hello friends, fans, and family,
I hope that you are having an awesome day, no matter what time of day it is for you. OK, today I decided to talk about the The JB&I Show. We have been around for a little more than two years now. I am so happy that I have had and having the experience of being the host, producer, editor, co-writer of the JB&I Show. I have learned so much and I have net some awesome people. The JB&I Show is a San Diego, Ca based talk show. We talk about everything entertainment. This includes but is not limited to movies, TV shows, books, video games, live events, music, bands, award shows, and the list goes on and on. We have had interviews through Skype and in person. We even started talking about fitness and health in an entertaining way. We are doing specials mostly every week and in this small snippets as it is known we talk more personal stuff like health and fitness, the troubles of working out and trying to start and stick to a fitness goal.

            We understand how hard it is to be consistent in something and to change direction from an all you can eat thing to a more scaled and don't eat everything all of the time type of a thing. These snippet special is to track and entertain you as you follow the FireHawk in his efforts to improve he fitness level. The Fire Hawk, aka Isaac M/Isaac Middleton is the host for the show. My journey to a better fitness body and position is riddled with obstacles and issues. Me Isaac M, has started a 21 day program where I am supposed to workout every day to develope better workout habits.

            This 21 day program has been adjusted by him because he needed a confidence builder so, he said he will start over when he has missed three days or more in a row Other than that he will continue to workout and move forward. He will track these days and the missed days will be noted. Listen, even with this restart as it were I had to start over, again, because something always got in the way and is getting in the way. Whether it is work, traveling from one area to another and/or something else. I either end up not working out for one of these reason or I just can't get over my laziness at the moment that I get some time to do so. And yes I feel bad about it but these are the thing that happened. I may not be disciplined enough. Even though this maybe true I am too stubborn to give up so I see myself in a constant battle with myself. It does not end there I battle myself with  my food intake as well. I am just now getting around to eating right.

​            Things are just now starting to work in my favor. What I am really learning is that I must do it for the right reasons or I am not going to do it. Every body is different so in that what motivates you may not motivate me, you see. I have joined some fitness groups and I am posting my efforts and failures online which is keeping me honest and focused. That is how the JB&I Show is allowing me to get to a better fitness level. It is all because of you all, who support me and asking me if I worked out and regardless of what I say, yes I worked out or no I did not you stay encouraging me. Thank you.  I want you to enjoy the JB&I Show and I want your feed back and I will do what I can to keep you entertained and happy because of your support to me and the JB&I Show. So, I say with a love Enjoy the JB&I Show!  We also can use your support, become an IME Patron Support, they are many perks and I know that you will enjoy every moment. With your help we will create music, movies, YouTube Shows, Twitch Streams and much, much more: Patreon.com/8010az  

http://www.midind-ime.com/the-jbi-show 2) http://www.midind-ime.com/i-me-blog 3) http://www.midind-ime.com You are AWESOME! Never forget that...


My Prospective About The Acting Business

Hello friends, fans, and family! 
It is so good to be able to talk to you all again. Oh my, it has been an awesome year for me in acting and in ministry. Wow, I had a lead role and the link I will put below. It is a non-union feature film. We had an awesome cast and crew and it was so much fun. The name of the movie is called To Be You and the Director is: Chad Eddy. It was a lot of work but as the saying goes if you are doing something that you love to do then it is not work. We had very early days and late nights. I met some of the most energetic people in the acting industry. It has been over a year for me being a full time actor. Starting out as an older non-union actor is not easy and is so much work. It can be unbearable without the right support behind you and I am not just talking about the moral support I am also talking about the monetary support. 

           I drive as an independant contractor for Uber so that I am able to make auditions and for work that I land either as a Background performer and/or as a principle. I must thank Hollywood Original Talent who represent me. They have been working hard for me and yes they get me work. I enjoy working with Hollywood Original Talent (HOT) they are awesome. I am still not where I want to be and I do get discouraged sometimes and yes I do feel like I be driving Uber more than doing acting jobs sometimes. I also can't forget about the haters, and backstabbers, and the nay sayers. They almost wrecked me. I was so low at one point I didn't just considered giving up on acting I also considering giving up all together and that is not a good thing, but God, sent someone to encourage me and to show me that I can and that I should keep going. I don't know, even now, I don't know how to make it in acting. I don't know how to reach the right people to get roles and to be a working actor. I don't know how to get myself to the point of making a living as an actor. I submit myself every day for acting roles and every job that I am a good fit for. Sometimes, more often than not I come up empty handed and that is a hurtful feeling. I put everything into my acting and I know that so when I come up with nothing more often than not it is discouraging. 

          In may ignorance I may say something that would be considered not smart and yes, maybe I am too stupid to quit, but maybe, I am a fighter and yes, maybe I can see myself there. Maybe I know that if I keep on pressing Also maybe, that maybe is just enough to keep me going, maybe. I am also with Uncut Talent, and Central Casting LA they get me work as well, and I love them for it. Keep me working, please, please, please. 

          So, here is my take on acting as an actor, as a person of color (a black man) and as a Pastor. If you think that being an actor is an easy road no you are wrong and if it is easy for you then you are blessed and you need to realize that. They are many actors that are out there struggling and crying every night because they are giving it everything that they have and some of them have been doing this full throttle for many years and still nothing. So, if you have any degree of success don't, do not marginalize yourself. Keep going and keep pressing on. Some actors are working but there income is coming from other areas such as bartending, waitressing, drivery driving and/or uber. So, yes, you know how hard this industry of acting is to get into and to a level where you are working enough to make a living at acting, doing acting only as your source of income, or at least making more money as an actor then an uber driver. As a person of color (a black man) they are not a lot of roles out there for me, and as I get older even less, so, I am so happy to see that more roles popping up for us. I don't care where you are from if you are a successful person of color in acting then, thank you so much for your hard work and for opening the doors for people like me. You're awesome. Now as a Pastor, here is where it gets tricky because I have to consider more than the norm. So, in that they are certain roles that I cannot take but also in that, that doesn't mean that I would be any less effective in the role that I do audion for just because i am a Pastor, besides I can put more money into the Church, so, I am happy about that and yes I am happy to give to the Church. Sometimes, I do feel like I am eliminated from a role just because I am a Pastor. However, that can both be good and bad depending on the situation. So, across the board I like acting and I think that if someone enjoys it and are willing to work at it then it is possible to become a working actor where your income is of acting and such, and not uber. 

           Lord knows I have cried many tears and that I have thought about this issue for some time. As I said before I am not there yet and yes I am giving 100 percent. I would be the first to tell you that I don't know the pathway to acting and I am also the first to tell you that this is not an easy industry for most. However, I will also say, keep going and don't give up, never give up. I started acting many years ago, doing plays in church. For real plays and that continued through elementary, middle and high school. I stopped for a while but then I came back and I started doing plays again and background in Veronica Mars. I attended the Actors Workshop studios and the Rehearsal Room, and City College and later San Diego Christian College. I am still going because I am not there yet but I refuse to give up because I enjoy this and I have put too much work into this.  I digress, I want to say that you can do it too but it is going to be a lot of work. The old saying goes is that if I can do it then you can do it too but I am going to add to that after talking with some naysayers and the part that I am adding is, if you are willing to put the work in, then yes you can do it too. 

          I am going to close with, I am submitting myself every day and you should too. Submit your self for every job that you are a good fit for and that you feel that the job is something that you can and want to do. My friends always tell me to focus on three things at a time and my three things now that I am done with college for now. My three things are acting, fitness, and Pastoring in that and in those is a lot. So, yes I have a full plate right now but that is okay and I am plugging away at it every day and you should too. Thank you for much for reading. Have a wonderful and blessed day. If you want to do this (acting) then know that it can be done. You just got to remember that it is going to take hard work and dedication. Stay Focused, Stay Strong, and Stay Motivated! 

As I promised the link to my dramatic reel is below my Actors Access Account Link is here and if you want to book me click Here. Have a great day y'all.

Real Vs Dream

Hello Friends, fans, and family,
having the Too/Two syndrome is not a good thing when translated how I am going to explain it. I will use myself as an example. Lets start with the nightmares of old. Fear, the driving tool of most slotters. How does this play into our every day? This is a question that I ask myself as well. Simple answer, fear. Some fear is good, too much fear is dangerous. We all have fear and to a certain point it keeps us safe and/or engaged in things that are of concern. This can drive research, development, and  detailed questioning. However, too much fear causes extreme reactions without detailed analysis. 

          Now, how do I play into all of this? Well, I am glad that you ask. Let's start with other people's fears, fear of people of color, fear of being obsolete, fear of losing their way of life, fear of failing. Segway, fear of failing, the fear of failing perpetuate itself. The attitude, why try, why try when I am just going to fail anyway, and why trust, when I am just going to be hurt in the end? We all have unlimited potential. So, what limits us? Well, I am glad that you ask. In me the constant battle of why is always being raged. Being a person of color and a man I must consider things that most people don't always have to consider. I must also realize that my road is going to be harder and longer than most other people. So, if all of this is true then why try. If I also factor other people that I am competing against how can I compete against people who are more than I am in every way in my own thinking? If I also factor in people that will come against me for whatever reason my chance of success is even more limited, so, that question remains, why try? Then let's add into this already ongoing battle within me the perception of myself to myself. Example, I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, I am not cool enough or equally as bad, I am too old, I am too slow, and I am not confident enough. 

          If all of this is going on within me how can I express my devotion to my taskings outwardly? How can I win such a fierce battle that is within to enact action outwardly toward my goal of being an actor, a Pastor and so on. How can I explain all of this to someone while maintaining my own resolve? The answer is simple or is it? Enacting that/this answer is not easy because it includes two factors that is not easy by themselves and now these two factors must be done with each other. What are these things? Well, they are actually three, so, it now gets even more difficult. These three things are commitment. Being committed to your goals and working towards it even when the glory and the excitement of the speech of making such a decree has long since faded from the saying of such goals. The ruggedness of waking up early and/or staying up late to complete the promise of the decree that you made when everyone was cheering and boosting you up to where you needed to be in order to see your true potential. The next is determination, being determined even after tasting the defeat of one's earnest actions toward said goals. This pain and lost can and has stopped the mightiest of us and it is even recorded in history. The failure of such said persons goes in the remembrance of all who reads the books of the rise and fall of whomever you're reading about. The last thing is discipline, doing this for a short period of time is not easy but not impossible the problem comes into play when it last longer than you think that it should and/or it last for years even knowing that it is going to last this long is still taxing and day after day the morality of it all seems to fade as the days and months roles by. 

          The Real, is what is tangible and realistically possible. Depending on how you look at it, it can be a good thing and also a bad thing. Example, you expect to get a job and advancement in that job and to do well at the job even amidst the trials and tribulations on that job. That is a good thing, it keeps you grounded and focused on doing a good job and thriving to do better and be better on the job. However, here is how it is bad, in order to tell this to you I must go back in time. I will start with something that directly affect me even though I was not even born at the time that all of this took place. I am talking about slavery and the civil rights/women's rights  movement. Before the changing of laws and people's hearts this whole thing, ah, it was acceptable to have slaves and servants these people was not even considered fully human, by law and by teachings. It was okay to do whatever to them and it was backed up by law and accepted by the people. This ideology spread across the nation and was perfected. It took a very long time to realized that this attitude and ideology was and is not good even though it was real for those people at the time. These people that was directly affected by this attitude and ideology had to imagine themselves and their children in a better place. This was only a dream during their time and it would be much later generations and many years would pass before it would become real. 

          The Dream, being able to see more than what is there and being able to see a better way of things than they are. This can be good and it can be bad. How can this be bad?! Well, some people made their living on such things as they were and to change them will change their standard of living so, why should they suffer for something that they made a living off of for many years and unable to do a successful transition into this "NEW" era? In change, people will suffer and some will even die and sometimes the change is not even good and the "I told you so" goes out from every mouth that opposed it from the beginning. Some will even set out to prove that the change is good and others will try and show how the change is bad. In the end this all started with a dream. Example, horses vs cars, this transition was slower than many care to admit because of the way of life at the time. Now in today's modern society we don't even consider how important it was to have a horse or two in a household. When back in the day it was sorely needed and even yearned for. Horse farms/horse shoe repair shops and stables was as normal as dealerships and mechanic shops is today.

          Now you can't even find a horse much less a stable and so on, unless you go to a circus and/or history museum and such. And to consider that all of this started with a dream of having a horseless carriage for faster movement and better transportation and of course money is always involved but it was for the good of the people. Now, at the time the considerations for the atmosphere was not even considered and fuel was leaded and dangerous to people and the environment. I understand, after hearing this how can a dream be good?! Okay, there is a lot to cover but I will keep it simple because of these dreams of a better life and the detailed questions surrounding such dreams it was able to be manifested. Example, the Wright brothers and flying, now, it is a normal thing to fly from one point to another and get there within hours and/or days but when these trips were by sea and horse driven carriages only and would take months and even years to get to a destination. This was the norm of the time and these horse driven carriages and cruise ships (sails only) were the only means of getting to certain areas. Even improvements on products starts with a dream going from ships bring driven by  sails to motor driven ships took someone who saw the possibility of something that was not yet there and/or not there in that form at the time.  

So, I encourage you to dare to dream and then act on that dream. I gained a lot of weight and I was told that I would never lose the weight and to just accept the fact that I would always be that way. However, I dared to dream. I saw myself in better shape and healthier. I decided to act on this dream by setting objectives to my goals and I broke it down to things that I know that I could do and then started challenging myself to improve and a year later I was almost 100lbs lighter. It became my normal and the same people who said that I could not do it was congratulating me on my achievement or was silent. At that time I just thought about what if I had listened to them?! What if I had just giving up? I would have never lost any weight and I would have still been sad and upset because I had lost all hope. I had no medical issues to overcome to achieve this goal so what was holding me back?! I was told that I was lazy but that was not it, was it? In that sense maybe I was but when I think about it the only thing that was holding me back was my own mind. Yes, I had people saying stuff but I had convience myself that they was right. I was allowing my friends to talk me out of being the best that I could be and/or keeping me from trying to be better. And I call these people "friends' okay let's be real I allowed them to convince me that I could not do it so it was all my fault because I allowed it. When I stop allowing it I lost the weight.   

Be careful who is around you and why they are there. I lost friends when I lost weight because I choose to go to the gym instead of the buffet. Not that I didn't go but I didn't go every day as I used to. I was no longer acceptable in those circles and yes it hurt. It almost caused me to renege on my goal of losing weight and living healthier. I have not even spoken to some of my so called close friends of that time because I changed my life style. I really did think that they would have been supportive and be happy for me. So, maybe I was selfish in that way? Nevertheless, I moved on and kept to my routine of my workout and focus on eating healthier. 

Encouragement, stay focused on your goals you are going to lose some friends and it will hurt but you knew that when you told them of your potential actions. You may even lose all of your friends in that circle, you need to decide what is more important to you, achieving your goals of finishing college, losing weight, starting a family, starting your own business or your friends who should support you in your endeavours of doing good for yourself and your family? Once you make that decision you will either set yourself up for success or failure depending on your answer to yourself. Stay strong, you have made your decision to achieve your goal now you must stick to your objective of achieving that goal. You can do it and don't talk yourself out of it and don't allow people to talk you out of it either. Yes, it is going to be struggles and trials and problems but that does not mean that you can't do it. It just means that once you have achieved it you be able to appreciate it even that much more. 

For me, God is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?! God is the strength of my life and my everything, who shall I be afraid? This is from the bible but it is not an exact quote but you can find it here (Psalm 27). I came this far because of Him (God) in my life and because He (God) is apart of my life. So, no matter what I do God is always going to be apart of it. I am not going to say that I never given up on a goal or two or more because of friends and some family and so on. But I am going to say that I was able to achieve several goals because of God, family, and real friends who did not blindly support me but gave me realistic and understandable points of views. At the end of it all it is still my decision, and they are still my friends. Some even showed me many ways of achieving my goals and I think God for them every day.   

I am going to close with: Being successful is a conscious decision that you have to make for yourself and in some cases you and your family and so on. I know that you can do it but the real question is do you know that you can do it? May the peace of God and the mercy and grace of God be with you always especially in your hard times. 


To Act or not to act, that is the question

Hello friends, fans, and family! 
It is so good to be able to talk to you all again. Oh my, it has been an awesome year for me in acting and in ministry. Wow, I had a lead role and the link I will put below. It is a non-union feature film. We had an awesome cast and crew and it was so much fun. The name of the movie is called To Be You and the Director is: Chad Eddy. It was a lot of work but as the saying goes if you are doing something that you love to do then it is not work. We had very early days and late nights. I met some of the most energetic people in the acting industry. It has been over a year for me being a full time actor. Starting out as an older non-union actor is not easy and is so much work. It can be unbearable without the right support behind you and I am not just talking about the moral support I am also talking about the monetary support. 

           I drive as an independant contractor for Uber so that I am able to make auditions and for work that I land either as a Background performer and/or as a principle. I must thank Hollywood Original Talent who represent me. They have been working hard for me and yes they get me work. I enjoy working with Hollywood Original Talent (HOT) they are awesome. I am still not where I want to be and I do get discouraged sometimes and yes I do feel like I be driving Uber more than doing acting jobs sometimes. I also can't forget about the haters, and backstabbers, and the nay sayers. They almost wrecked me. I was so low at one point I didn't just considered giving up on acting I also considering giving up all together and that is not a good thing, but God, sent someone to encourage me and to show me that I can and that I should keep going. I don't know, even now, I don't know how to make it in acting. I don't know how to reach the right people to get roles and to be a working actor. I don't know how to get myself to the point of making a living as an actor. I submit myself every day for acting roles and every job that I am a good fit for. Sometimes, more often than not I come up empty handed and that is a hurtful feeling. I put everything into my acting and I know that so when I come up with nothing more often than not it is discouraging. 

          In may ignorance I may say something that would be considered not smart and yes, maybe I am too stupid to quit, but maybe, I am a fighter and yes, maybe I can see myself there. Maybe I know that if I keep on pressing Also maybe, that maybe is just enough to keep me going, maybe. I am also with Uncut Talent, and Central Casting LA they get me work as well, and I love them for it. Keep me working, please, please, please. 

​The ever growing question in my heart and gut as my bills grow and my income fade due to hiatus and cancellations. The question is should I act or should I give up? To act or not to act. That is the question that I ask myself, seemly daily, now. How long must I struggle and fight before I am able to see results? I don't mind fighting and I am more than willing to put in the extra hours into my work. But all of that is hard to do when no results is seen and the pressures of the bills that are not being paid grows. How can I keep going as is when my bills are steady and continuous and not shirking but my, my income due to lack of work is shrinking and decreasing? Inevitably self doubt setting in and I struggle to believe in myself. Simple mistakes can and has cost me jobs. Now my friends come at me with language of despair and negativity.
          I submit myself for acting jobs, extra work every day seeking and searching for someone to see my potential even as a recurring actor. Maybe I don't know something that I am doing wrong? Maybe I am messing up at points that I should not be. Maybe it is not even me? Whatever it is I must make it and I can't allow myself to give up. It is hard to encourage myself, especially when everyone is saying that I am too old and that I am too poor and that I am not hungry enough and  saying that I will never be good enough. It is one thing to stand with a group of people who you know that is on your side but it is quite another to stand alone and/or stand with other people but not knowing if they are on your side. For me I know that I don't know anything about acting outside of school and from what people have told me and from what I have seen for myself. I don't know how to get from the level that I am at to get to a level where I am making a living at being an actor and becoming one of the best actors in the industry. When I achieve this it will be a testimony to tell and it will motivate others. 

          So, here is my take on acting as an actor, as a person of color (a black man) and as a Pastor. If you think that being an actor and being in this acting industry is an easy road then either you are blessed or you are delusional. If you think that it is easy you are wrong and if it is easy for you then you are blessed and you need to realize that. They are many actors that are out there struggling and crying every night because they are giving it everything that they have and some of them have been doing this full throttle for many years and still nothing. So, if you have any degree of success don't, do not marginalize yourself. Keep going and keep pressing on. Some actors are working but there income is coming from other areas such as bartending, waitressing, drivery driving and/or uber. So, yes, you know how hard this industry of acting is to get into and to a level where you are working enough to make a living at acting, doing acting only as your source of income, or at least making more money as an actor then an uber driver. As a person of color (a black man) they are not a lot of roles out there for me, and as I get older even less, so, I am so happy to see that more roles popping up for us. I don't care where you are from if you are a successful person of color in acting then, thank you so much for your hard work and for opening the doors for people like me. You're awesome. Now as a Pastor, here is where it gets tricky because I have to consider more than the norm. So, in that they are certain roles that I cannot take but also in that, that doesn't mean that I would be any less effective in the role that I do audion for just because i am a Pastor, besides I can put more money into the Church, so, I am happy about that and yes I am happy to give to the Church. Sometimes, I do feel like I am eliminated from a role just because I am a Pastor. However, that can both be good and bad depending on the situation. So, across the board I like acting and I think that if someone enjoys it and are willing to work at it then it is possible to become a working actor where your income is of acting and such, and not uber. 

           Lord knows I have cried many tears and that I have thought about this issue for some time. As I said before I am not there yet and yes I am giving 100 percent. I would be the first to tell you that I don't know the pathway to acting and I am also the first to tell you that this is not an easy industry for most. However, I will also say, keep going and don't give up, never give up. I started acting many years ago, doing plays in church. For real plays and that continued through elementary, middle and high school. I stopped for a while but then I came back and I started doing plays again and background in Veronica Mars. I attended the Actors Workshop studios and the Rehearsal Room, and City College and later San Diego Christian College. I am still going because I am not there yet but I refuse to give up because I enjoy this and I have put too much work into this.  I digress, I want to say that you can do it too but it is going to be a lot of work. The old saying goes is that if I can do it then you can do it too but I am going to add to that after talking with some naysayers and the part that I am adding is, if you are willing to put the work in, then yes you can do it too. 

          I am going to close with, I am submitting myself every day and you should too. Submit your self for every job that you are a good fit for and that you feel that the job is something that you can and want to do. My friends always tell me to focus on three things at a time and my three things now that I am done with college for now. My three things are acting, fitness, and Pastoring in that and in those is a lot. So, yes I have a full plate right now but that is okay and I am plugging away at it every day and you should too. Thank you for much for reading. Have a wonderful and blessed day. If you want to do this (acting) then know that it can be done. You just got to remember that it is going to take hard work and dedication. Stay Focused, Stay Strong, and Stay Motivated! 

As I promised the link to my dramatic reel is below my Actors Access Account Link is here and if you want to book me click Here. Have a great day y'all.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello friends, fans, and family, 
as we are fast approaching Thanksgiving I just want to say my thanks to you. Thank you for your support of the IME Blog. Thank you for reading and clicking on my blog when you could have chosen to not click on my blog and to never read any of my sayings.  I feel special because of devoted readers like you. You have chosen to include me into your day. I am honored to have such a privilege. I am thankful that week after week you have read my blog and even given your feedback and comments. It means so much to me to hear from you and to have you as my reader. You are awesome and it is not just because you have chosen to read the IME Blog but it is also because you are awesome just because you are you. On this Thanksgiving day enjoy your day even if it is just for a moment, enjoy that moment because you deserve it. 

         Now to talk about some movies. If you have not seen Thor Ragnarok yet I encourage you to see it because I think that it is worth seeing. They delivered on the promise of another great movie from Marvel. I believe that you will enjoy the movie. It has so many good parts it is hard to narrow it down to just one moment but if I had to it would be the moment between Thor and the Hulk, this includes the battle scene, haha. I am going to see it again and I am also going to get it on Amazon stream when it is available. Yes, I enjoyed it that much, hahaha  
               Now, time for the Justice League Review. Spoiler alert if you have not seen it. I am going to try and not spoil it for you. First I am going to say that I liked it and I think that you will like it too. Like the way that they did it and I also liked the humor in it. From what I seen I believe that DC movies are improving. DC has come along way in movie. Wonderwoman was great and I think that it was even better because the movie had an awesome woman director, directing it. Justice League was good even though some thought that they should have kept the same director  that they had for Wonder Woman. I understand why they choose not to but I think that she (the director) will be used in future films. Over all I think that The Justice League movie was good and it was very well done. I believe that people are going to talk bad about the movie because of reason that does not pertain to the movie itself. An example of that is the says about the director choice. I think that it was still very well done and you don't wanna burnout your ace director. I also read reviews about the CGI and how bad it looked. I am not sure what they saw but from what I seen it looked good to me. So, to put it plain I am going to say going and see the movie and if you don't like it please comment and tell me what you don't like about it and what you think that they could do to improve it.  

          Now, let's shift gears and let us talk about a documentary. It was a limited showing and you can request a screening of this documentary. The movie that I am talking about is McClaren. The story of Bruce McLaren, the New Zealander who founded the McLaren Motor Racing team. He is a man who showed the world that a person of humble  beginnings could take on the elite motor racing companies and win. This is an awesome film and you could even call it a rags to riches story. I suggest that you look up this movie and watch it because I believe that you are going to enjoy it. 

In closing I am going to say, be thankful for what you have. Take care of what you have and God will bless you with more. Leadership equals responsibility. You are a leader, and you are awesome. Never forget that, God loves you. Despise not the day of small beginnings. 
​by, Isaac Middleton. 

Happy Holidays!

Hello friends, fans, and family, 
as we are in the holidays they are so many things going on this time of year. It is far too easy to forget to have fun and to take a moment to enjoy the day and a moment of your day. So, in an effort to get you to take a moment to enjoy yourself for a moment I am going to take to you about, movies! Okay, I may include some tv shows and books and video games as well, haha. 
Death Wish, is a movie that I think that you should watch. But before we get into all of that I want to ask you have you ever lost data that you have needed and was not able to recover it? Yes, I have had this happened me and I was so upset and I lost so much. All of my hard work and all of my efforts was gone in one swoop. There was no way to gain my lost data back. But now there is, Salvagedata.comMedia failure and data loss can be frustrating, time consuming, and can leave you without access to priceless information. However using a combination of proprietary recovery techniques and extraordinary customer service, Salvagedata.com specialists can quickly salvage your data to  get you back on track. Salvagedata.com experts always can help in data recovery services. Now back to the movie, Death Wish. Here is the overview of the movie. A mild-mannered father is transformed into a killing machine after his family is torn apart by a violent act. The estimated release date: 03/02/2018. I don't know if you remember the first death wish movies with Charles Bronson. It was great and is worth seeing to get you into what the movie is about. In this rendition Bruce Willis is Paul Kersey. Vincent D'Onofrio is Frank Kersey and Elisabeth Shue is Lucy Kersey just to name a few. I think that it is going to be a good movie.  I like the trailers and if they hold to what I have seen in the trailers then it will be an awesome movie. 
​Jumanji, is remake that was an awesome movies of its time. This remake has Kevin Hart and Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson in it as well as some other great actors like Jack Black in it as well. This movie prove to be fun, funny and a lot of action. So, if you have not seen it I highly recommend it.   

Now, as we close in on Christmas I want to encourage you to enjoy a moment of your day. Things can get chaotic over the holidays and we tend to spend way more than we initially budgeted for in our original processes. Even though this maybe true and extra spenditures cannot be helped. This does not mean that you can't enjoy a moment of your day and to maintain a good focus on your over spending. Discipline is something that we suffer a lack of up to a certain point. All of us has this condition over certain items, places, things, and of course people. However, to budget overspending is a crazy move but that is also what makes it so interesting and effective. So, enjoy your day even if it is just for a moment that will seem to fade as quickly as is came. 

I am going to close with, enjoy the holidays. It maybe rough for some of us for one reason or another but I encourage you to take a moment to enjoy your day. As for me I am going to take many moments. Even though I have had more than my share of trouble and problems this year I am going to take a  moment to enjoy my day and I am going to thank God for allow me to see another day. I am going to pursue a career and be a success in it. I know that I am going to have failures, many perhaps but I am rant about it on here and maybe even cry about it in secret I will continue to try until I have nothing left to give then fade away like whatever people should say of me at that time. Until then I shall fight on and be the best that I can be all things considering. Even after all of this effort I still may not achieve my potential for one reason or another and that may even be pointed out by someone if I am important enough for all of that, haha. 

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